Montag, 15. August 2011

The First Day

so on the first day of school its suppose to be easy and an introduction to the year and so on. and there will be surprises. well, today was full of surprises. ones that i was expecting, and some were very unexpected. for example, i walk into my first class, which was english, and the teacher was speaking in both german and english, which i expected. then, (and oh yeah, in between every class i have a 30 min break. so ha ha) i went to my second class which was math. and for those who do not know me well, math is deffenety NOT my strong point.

so i sit down, say hello to my teacher, and wait. then class begins and i see before me a sheet of paper with a graph. within the graph were 2 parabellas and a slope line. then the teacher started speaking,  " vwierjgb weifh weifuh iwu fgiwuhe fgiuhw eiufg hspiur herh gpwuer gpwuerhg aewrpö gohse räoöigh sdföo ghöe rog weö roh gpw euoi goöuer hgpw eurz gp woeur ofzg pwoer zpeufz weguh wefu wegpqewrz poqwraweroug soöfu oiudfsuefhpisuhd r....." or at least thats what i heard. and i sat there with my mouth wide open thinking to myself, what planet am i on? and i copyed everything down not knowing if it was nessasry or not. and worst of all, the teachers handwriting was horrible. i mean it was basically all the coast-lines in the world but somehow words.

that is an example of an unexpected surprise. so always expect for the unexpected. especially in a foregin school.

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