sorry, i have been procrastinating again.
BACK TO THE STORY............
so, as we walked out in the plaza like i said in my last post, no one had any idea where we were standing. and in the next moment was the best part of that whole trip. thats my opinion. we then had a little lecture not to not wonder off, blah blah blah, then we were free to do as we pleased. i walked out onto the plaza (and this was at night too), and was talking to the group of friends i was with. i then stopped very abruptly mid-sentence. the scene in front of me, made me want to laugh, cry, jump for joy, not wake from this happy dream i was in. it was a dream state almost. it was so immensely mesmerizing. what i saw, was the Eiffel Tower in all it's glory.
One of my best memories |
nothing in the world at that moment was so beautiful and awesome. its just i hadn't ever seen anything like that. ive seen the towering skyscrapers in New York City, but nothing compares. ok, the TV Tower in Berlin is cool, but obviously not as cool. the Eiffel Tower has been where it's been for a long time, having the citizens disliking it, but then turing out to be the symbol of Paris, casting its glorious image where it may. when im out and done with school, with nothing to do, ill live in Europe, or i might as well go backpacking. and either i'll stay in Paris for a while then move on, or my finish line will end in Paris.
i took something like 180 pictures that night. let me remind you, i was once again in the mind state of "shock and awe." our party took it's time really, enjoying the magnificent setting the universe had formatted around us. my favorite part of the tower at night is not only when its lit, but when the flashing lights come on. it, it is unexplainable. go and experience it your self because i cant explain it.
Lights are flashing |
soon we made our way down some steps passed illegal street vendors and onto the street below. i could not keep my eyes off the Tower for less than a minute. by then we were walking on the bridge over the Seine River. it was like a dream that you dont forget. we didnt get to go under or to the top of the Tower. we instead descended some stairs down to a river docking with a cruise boat. our leaders contemplated on whether we should go on a ride or if it was too late. it took about 20 minutes for them to talk it out, but with in those 20 minutes, our group was gazing and laughing, having a great time with each other. we soon boarded the boat one by one, and on the gang plank there was a photographer who took photos of us getting on. i ended up purchasing the photograph after we got off. the boat its self had an inside and an outside. our massive group took the outer portions of the craft. the seats, i remember them looking like the seats at Fenway Park, (not wooden) but more comfortable. they also had tour translators attached to them, but no one really paid heed to them. we were all focused on our grand tour of Paris at night, by river.
One of the Eiffel Tower shots I got |
Notre Dame by night |
Eiffel Tower by river |
the tour was actually really fun, me and a friend of mine did the "flying" from the movie "Titanic" off the stern of the boat. unfortunately, the crew and rotary wouldn't let us pose on the bow. we motored by Les Invalides, L' Aeemblée Nationale, Le Musée d' Orsay, L' Institut de France, La Bibliothéque Nationale de France, La Cathédrale Notre Dame, La Conciergerie, Le Louvre, La Place de la Concorde, Le Grande Palais, Le Palais de Chaillot and lastly loitering within view of the Eiffel Tower where we got off. we unfortunately did not see the sister to our own Statue of Liberty. it was one the best times i had with my friends there in Paris.
after our amazing tour on the Seine, i think we went back to our hotel to get some rest.
in this blog, i try to write the best i can, describing the best i can. but sometimes words cant explain. that is why i urge you all to experience this. you definitely will not regret it.
(to be continued...........)
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